What’s New?

Can you believe it? The moment we’ve all been waiting for is almost here! Starting December 1, 2023, get ready to tune in on your favorite podcast platform for an exciting new show that combines curiosity with storytelling.

We’re diving deep into real issues that keep us pondering, dominating headlines, or simply blowing our minds. Plus, we’re adding a dash of family fun with our ‘Nikki & Me’ segment, where my Gen Z kid and I bridge the generation gap, sharing insights on family, life, and everything that ‘matters.’

But that’s not all! Don’t miss out on ‘Jackie of all Trades,’ a BTDubs Podcast segment dedicated to those ‘how-to…’ topics we’ve all been itching to explore. You know, the ones that have lingered in the back of our minds, the ones we bought books about but never quite got around to trying.

‘Jackie of all Trades’ brings you passionate experts from various fields like real estate, sports, entrepreneurship, and more. They’ll be offering mentorship, training, and guidance to help you kickstart that hobby or make that career change you’ve always dreamed of.

Join us each week as we breathe life into those long-forgotten hobbies or dreams of becoming [insert aspiring career role]. December 1st can’t come soon enough! See you there!”